Isabelle Daëron – Water in Kyoto

French Designer, Isabelle Daëron , who has long been researching on circulation of water in city, has come to Kyoto to conduct the research on Kyoto Basin, the unique geological feature of Kyoto that enables to keep abundant underground water. Daëron and Nagai had set out to extensive research on various water source in town and unique flow of river, myth and brief related to water, and how people historically incorporated the presence of water into their life. They are now producing the work to represent the geological history of Kyoto, and how underground water is generated by using her unique method of thinking by drawing.

(October, 2022)



アーティストプロフィール / Artist Profile


1983年フランス、プロムール生まれ。パリ国立高等工業デザイン学校(ENSCI-Les Ateliers)卒、公共空間での環境問題を視野に入れ、自然資源と居住するためのシナリオをデザインする。雨水を採取する装置、枯葉を採集する装置、パリ市内の飲用不可能な水のネットワークを使った装置など、水、風、日光などの自然の循環に着眼した作品を制作。Studio Idaëを設立し、都市デザイン、空間デザイン、リサーチを統合した活動を行なっている。

Isabelle Daëron (Designer, Researcher)

Born in 1983 in Plœmeur, France. A graduate of ENSCI-Les Ateliers in Paris, designer and research designer Isabelle Daëron designs scenarios connecting natural resources and habitability. Her projects put into perspective the importance of environmental issues in the public space. Some of her projects, including a rainwater harvester, a leaf collector, and devices for the non-potable water network in Paris, focus on the use of natural flows such as water, wind and sunlight. She is the founder of Studio Idaë, a firm that brings together urban design, spatial design and research.

Fountain system using water from the Seine River to eliminate the summer heat island effect.Photo: Pierre Lexcellent

A tool used for watering plants by sucking rainwater collected in a bucket into the  Droplet-shaped vessel.

‘Chemin des Roches a Cieux’ (2022)
A walking project to feel the world where monks made dialogue with nature in the 12th century monastery village of Saint-Croix-en-Jarez in the Loire, central France.