“Without craft, my art work does not exist”—Fernando Casasempere
Chilean artist Fernando Casasempere uses clay from all over the world to create his ceramic sculptures, particularly contaminated soil from a copper mine in the Atacama Desert in the north of Chile. His goal is to use his thorough skills and knowledge of ceramics and his artistic quest to recycle the resources that human beings have failed to use correctly.
When I visited his studio in East London in 2016, I knew that Fernando had always dreamed of visiting Japan, the land of hands and clay. Back in 1992, he had had the chance to visit the country as part of Chile Today, a group exhibition about young Chilean artists held at Hara Museum ARC in Tokyo. However, he had been forced to give up the opportunity to visit, as he had just been awarded a grant to research the soil in the Atacama Desert. Since then, for 25 years, no other opportunity had arisen… until 2017.
For further understanding on his work, please go to Fernando Casasempere in WRITING: materiaprima.site/casasempere-en
2016年、イーストロンドンにあるスタジオを訪ねた時、フェルナンドがいつか日本に行きたいと思っているということを知りました。土と手仕事の国を一度でいいから見てみたい、というのです。1992年、彼は群馬のハラ・ミュージアム・アークで行われたチリの若手作家を集めた「CHILE TODAY」という展覧会に参加していたのですが、その時同時にアタカマ砂漠での土の研究に関する助成金を得たことがわかり、その研究を優先するために日本行きを諦めたのでした。その25年後、2017年まで日本にいく機会が訪れなかったのです。

Read more about Fernando Casasempere: www.fernandocasasempere.com