Water Calling – Book

『Water Calling ー京都の地下から聞こえる音』
作と画: イザベル・ダエロン 作と文: 永井佳子
デザイン: サイトヲヒデユキ 発行: 書肆サイコロ
協力: 惠谷浩子(奈良文化財研究所) 
判型:B5変型、182 x 235mm、48ページ、上製本、カバーポスター付
価格: 3,600円(税抜き)

京都の基盤となる岩盤の深さとそのうえを流れる地下水の量の関係が明らかにされたのは近年のこと。ところが平安時代から京都に住む人々は地下を流れる豊富な水の存在を知っていました。Water Calling は水に関するリサーチと都市・空間デザインを行うデザイナー、イザベル・ダエロンによるドローイングをもとに京都の地下を流れる水の存在を表現するコンセプトブックです。


Book  ‘Water Calling ’
Concept and Drawings: Isabelle Daëron
Concept and Text: Yoshiko Nagai
Design: Hideyuki Saito  Published by Shoshi Saicoro
Special thanks to Hiroko Edani
B5 variant / 182 x 235mm / 48 pages / casebound book / with cover poster
3,600JPY (without tax)

Only recently has the relationship between the depth of the bedrock underlying Kyoto and the amount of groundwater flowing over it been revealed. Water Calling is a concept book based on drawings by Isabelle Daëron, an urban and spatial designer and researcher of water.

In October 2022, Daëron stayed in Kyoto, where she conducted a research trip. It was organized by editor and curator Yoshiko Nagai to trace the structure of Kyoto’s groundwater, the local landscape and climate, and the people who have nurtured their lives with water, as researched. She then drew on her experience with water-related projects in various locations to create 20 drawings representing scenes such as how Kyoto’s groundwater basin were formed, where groundwater comes from, what techniques and tools people use in their daily lives, and how we live with water today. The book is connected by a common narrative that allows people from all walks of life to feel the presence of water.