Materia Prima is a curatorial platform
to pursue how we can live with nature by keep making things.

Yoshiko Nagai (Curator / Producer)

Graduated from MA Creative Curating, Goldsmiths, University of London, Yoshiko Nagai worked for the section of cultural affairs and design direction at foreign enterprise from 2004-2019. Specialized with research of environment, natural resource and savoir-faire, she works with artist, designers and organizations to create contents and implement ideas and distribute them through concept making, project management, teaching and writing. Lecturer at Kyoto City University of Art.


慶應義塾大学文学部哲学科美学美術史専攻、ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス校キュレーティング修士修了。十五年に渡り企業にて文化事業、デザインディレクションを担当。2020年よりMateria Prima主宰。自然資源と人間の創造や生業がもたらす文化を軸にリサーチを行うほか、国内外の作り手と現場の間をつなぎ、協働し、双方のメッセージや考え方をよりよく遠くに届ける役割を担っている。京都市立芸術大学非常勤講師。


If you are interested in Materia Prima’s work, working methods or any of the artists featured on the site, please get in touch with your thoughts, questions, suggestions and ideas to this address.

Materia Primaが提供するコンテンツに関するお問い合わせ、またお仕事のご依頼はこちらまでお願いいたします。

Copyright © 2021, Materia Prima. All rights reserved