Hamacho Liberal Arts no. 18 / Takashi Iwama

「馬と働く」岩間敬 / ’Working with Horses’ by Takashi Iwama

March 31, 2024


The earth is not only a habitat for humans. In the mountains and villages of Japan, it was once commonplace for horses and humans to work together. Houses were built, firewood was produced, and fields were cultivated and crops were grown by the logs brought from the mountain by horses. In addition, horses ate the grass around the rice paddies and their droppings enriched the soil as compost, thus playing an important role in the realization of nature and recycling-oriented agriculture. This time, we would like to invite Mr. Takashi Iwama, who has inherited and passed down the horse-carrying and horse-plowing techniques, to talk about the history of the region’s life with horses, their impact on the ecosystem, and the future society that will result from a life of working with horses, and consider the future from the perspective of both humans and animals.

1978年 岩手県遠野市生まれ。23歳頃から馬搬に興味を持ち、遠野で当時現役だった菊池盛治氏・見方勝芳氏の2人のベテラン馬方に師事し技術を習得。農林業に従事しながら、馬搬・馬耕技術の後世への継承と「はたらく馬」との暮らしを広く紹介することを目的に一般社団法人馬搬振興会を設立。代表理事として全国で技術指導、普及啓発活動を行っている。2020年に(株)三馬力社を設立。馬耕で耕し、無農薬で育てた酒米から日本酒をつくるプロジェクトに挑戦するとともに、馬と人がともに働く機会の創出に挑戦している。他、アフリカ数カ国で馬耕指導を行い畜力活用技術指導による国際貢献を行っている。

Photo: Koh Akazawa