Water Calling – Kyoto

京都の基盤となる岩盤の深さとそのうえを流れる地下水の量の関係が明らかにされたのは近年のこと。ところが平安時代から京都に住む人々は地下を流れる豊富な水の存在を知っていました。地下水がどのようにできたのか、人々が水とともにどのように生活文化を育んできたのか、そもそも水はどこからやってくるのか。Water Calling は水に関するリサーチとデザインを行うデザイナー、イザベル・ダエロンによるドローイングをもとに、出版、展覧会などのイベントを通して目に見えない水のメカニズムについて考えます。


 Only recently have geophysical surveys revealed the relationship between the depth of the bedrock underlying Kyoto and the amount of groundwater flowing over it. However, people living in Kyoto have known about the abundance of water flowing underground since the Heian period (794-1192). How was groundwater formed, how did people develop their lifestyles and culture with water, and most of all, where does water come from? Water Calling is a project based on drawings by designer Isabelle Daëron who specializes research on water, to explore the invisible mechanisms of water through publications, exhibitions, and other events.

To know more about Isabelle Daëron, please go to this page.

The bedrock strata that form the foundation of Kyoto are bowl-shaped. On top of it, layers of sand and pebbles are piled up. The bedrock layer is impervious to water, while sand and pebbles allow water to flow through and be stored. Walking through the streets of Kyoto is the same as walking on a water reservoir full of water.

展覧会イベント・出版 /  Exhibition, Event and Publication

展覧会『Water Calling イザベル・ダエロンのドローイング』
日時: 2023年3月16日ー31日
場所: 誠光社(京都市中京区中町丸太町上る俵屋町437)
イザベル・ダエロンはプロジェクトが始まると同時にリサーチをした写真やテキストなどの資料を貼り付け、そこから思いついたアイディアを描きこんでいく「リサーチウォール」という資料を作っていきます。それはプロジェクトの規模や期間とともに拡大していき、次第に巨大な壁画のようになっていきます。今回の展覧会では書籍『Water Calling –京都の地下から聞こえる音』の制作のために実際に現地調査を行い作成したものを展示、「描きながら思考する」というダエロン独自のメソッドを公開します。

WATER CALLING – Drawings by Isabelle Daëron’
Date: March 16 – 31, 2023 at Seikosha (Tawarayacho 437, Marutamachi Agaru, Nakacho, Nakagyo, Kyoto)
As soon as the project begins, Isabelle Daëron creates a “research wall,” a visual document on which she pastes photographs, texts, and other materials, and then draws in the ideas that come to her. The wall expands with the scale of the project and the duration of the research, and gradually becomes like a huge mural. In this exhibition, Daëron will exhibit what she created during her field research, revealing her unique method of thinking as she draws.

日時: 2023年3月20日 19時 – 場所: 誠光社

Talk event ‘Thinking by Drawing’  
From 19:00 on March 20, 2023 at Seikosha
Daëron stayed in Kyoto to conduct field research for this project. With a map of Kyoto and information on its topography in hand, she researched the water flow using the “thinking by drawing” method. In this talk event, she comes to Kyoto again and will talk about how she integrated her research on water in Kyoto, completed her drawings, and compiled them into the book “Water Calling ” with close collaboration with curator, Yoshiko Nagai. 

ウォーク 『水を探して』
日時: 3月30日 14時―
定員: 15名  場所: 東山界隈   
土地の自然と歴史に基づいた文化形成を考える「文化的景観」の調査研究、またWater Callingの書籍の監修をしてくださった奈良文化財研究所の惠谷浩子さんによるウォーキングツアー。かつて無数の湧水と川が流れていた東山界隈で今は見えなくなった水の流れを探ります。その痕跡を見つけるための手がかりとは。

Walk ‘In search for water’
Date & Time: March 30, 14:00-
Capacity: 15 people Location: Higashiyama neighborhood
This walking tour is conducted by Ms. Hiroko Edani of the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, who has conducted research on “cultural landscapes” that consider cultural formations based on the nature and history of the land, and supervised the publication of ‘Water Calling’. The tour will explore the flow of water that is no longer visible in the Higashiyama area, where countless springs and rivers once flowed. What are the clues to find its traces? (The tour is conducted in Japanese)


By superimposing an Edo period (1600-1868) map of the Higashiyama area of Kyoto on a current map, and while looking at a sightseeing guide, which was also created for the first time in the Edo period, we walked along the street looking for a river that must have existed at that time. We walked up the road to Kiyomizu-dera Temple, the main street for sightseeing since the Edo period, paying attention to wells, bridges, manholes, and other targets that remind us of the presence of water, crossed bridges with no running water, looked at the valley floor where pottery kilns were located, imagined the water that must have flowed there, and listened carefully when we found manholes and culverts.

トークイベント『風景とデザイン― 自然のあり方から都市を考える 』
日程: 3月30日 18時ー
場所: Toberu 2(京都市左京区吉田橘町33-16) 
登壇者(敬称略): 大西麻貴(建築家・o+h共同主宰)、惠谷浩子(奈良文化財研究所)、イザベル・ダエロン

Talk Event “Landscape and Design: Thinking about the City from state of Nature”
Date: March 30, 18:00- 
Place: Toberu 2 (33-16 Yoshida Tachibana-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto)
Speakers: Maki Onishi (Architect, o+h), Hiroko Edani (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties), Isabelle Daëron
How have the unique natural resources and topography of the land influenced people’s lifestyles and culture? Like Isabelle Daëron, architect Maki Onishi has been involved in architectural and design projects that make the most of local characteristics. Together with Hiroko Edani, who has specialized in researching cultural landscapes throughout Japan, we would like to focus on the activities of people who have nurtured their culture while coexisting with nature and discuss living in the city while maintaining a balance with technology.


Designer Isabelle Daëron, architect Maki Onishi, and researcher Hiroko Edani of the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties conduct careful research when designing public buildings and design projects in various countries and regions. By fully understanding the local landscape, natural resources, and the culture that people have cultivated based on these resources, one can feel that the town in which one lives is unique and beloved. The audience asked questions and commented on the stories of the three participants, who reaffirmed this through their practical experience.

大西麻貴:1983 年 愛知県生まれ、2006 年 京都大学工学部建築学科卒業、2008 年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻修士課程修了。2008 年より「大西麻貴+百田有希/o+h」を共同主宰。2022 年~横浜国立大学大学院 YGSA 教授。主な作品「シェルターインクルーシブプレイス コパル(山形市南部児童遊戯施設)」(2022 年)、「多賀町中央公民館 多賀結いの森」(2019 年)、「Good Job! Center KASHIBA」(2016 年)、「二重螺旋の家」(2011 年)など。

惠谷浩子:1983 年広島県生まれ。東京農業大学大学院卒業。専門は造園学。現在、奈良文化財研究所文化遺産部主任研究員。京都や宇治、四万十川流域をはじめとする全国各地の文化的景観の調査研究に携わり、土地の風土、地域の来歴と現在から、それぞれの地域らしさと持続のあり方を探求している。著書に『地域のみかた―文化的景観学のすすめ』共著、『「京都の文化的風景 」調査報告書』共著、『遺跡学の宇宙―戦後黎明期を築いた13 人の記録』共著 など。

Exhibition/Event Photo: Yosuke Otake

書籍『Water Calling ー京都の地下から聞こえる音』
作と画: イザベル・ダエロン 作と文: 永井佳子
デザイン: サイトヲヒデユキ 発行: 書肆サイコロ
協力: 惠谷浩子(奈良文化財研究所) 


Book  ‘Water Calling ’
Concept and Drawings: Isabelle Daëron
Concept and Text: Yoshiko Nagai
Design: Hideyuki Saito  Published by Shoshi Saicoro
Special thanks to Hiroko Edani

Why does water flow abundantly underground in Kyoto? The drawings represent the mechanism of water flow underground and above ground in Kyoto and the activities of people who nurtured their lifestyles and culture while feeling the presence of water. And it will give the opportunity to consider the relationship between people from the viewpoint of water.

小冊子『Materia Prima vol.3 – イザベル・ダエロン』
ドローイング: イザベル・ダエロン インタビューと文: 永井佳子
デザイン: サイトヲヒデユキ 発行: Materia Prima

Materia Primaはさまざまな分野の作り手に制作のプロセスやその途中の試行錯誤を聞く小冊子。第3号はフランス人環境アーティスト、デザイナーのイザベル・ダエロンに水という課題に注力してデザインを始めたきっかけから、そのデザインメソッドまでを聞いています。水の循環メカニズムを表した描き下ろしドローイングとともに。

Booklet ‘Material Prima vol.3 – Isabelle Daëron
Drawing: Isabelle Daëron   Interview and Text : Yoshiko Nagai
Design: Hideyuki Saito  Published by Materia Prima

Materia Prima is a booklet that asks makers in various fields about their creative process and the trials and errors along the way. In this third issue, we interview French environmental artist and designer Isabelle Daëron about how she started focusing on the issue of water and as well as her design methods. The booklet is accompanied by a newly drawn illustration of the mechanism of the water cycle by Daëron.

For further information on project, please ask here

協力:笹川日仏財団 Supported by Fondation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa