‘Directed Games’ Online Screening

小冊子Materia Prima vol. 2 の題材になっているブラジル人アーティスト、ジョナタス・デ・アンドラーデによる映像作品「Directed Games」の2週間のオンライン上映を行います。ないところから発明すること、家族を超えた人間関係、困難をチャンスに変えていくこと。そして常に響き続けているリズム。映像でしか表現できないこの世界観をぜひご覧ください。

We are pleased to announce the 2 weeks free online screening of the film ‘Directed Games’ by Jonathas de Andrade, featured in the booklet, Materia Prima vol.2 Inventing from nothing, creating the relationship beyond family, turning obstacles into chances, together with the rhythm that is ever present in their body. Enjoy the world without sound with this extraordinary film.

期間: 2021年10月9日(土)〜24日(日)
Period : October 9 (Sat) – 24 (Sun), 2021


Directed Games (Original title: Jogo Dirididos)
( Brazil / 2019 / Video / 2k / 5.1 sound / 57 min )
Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago


Among the approximately nine hundred inhabitants of Várzea Queimada, a parched village in the interior of northeastern Brazil, are a large number of people with hearing loss. The main characters in this film are eighteen of these hearing-impaired individuals. The camera captures them playing games around the village and using gestures they have developed themselves to tell stories of events in their lives. Expanding on a series of posters he created in 2010 titled Education for Adults that was inspired by the work of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, filmmaker and artist Jonathas de Andrade here adopts the same method of pairing individual images with single words. That is, by freezing the film periodically and superimposing a word that conveys the meaning of the gesture on top of it, he enables viewers to instinctively grasp the intentions of the hearing-impaired individuals, creating the sensation of both learning the language and physically experiencing a different worldview.


ジョナタス・デ・アンドラーデ (Jonathas de Andrade)

Jonathas de Andrade (b. 1982, Maceió, Brazil) lives and works in Recife, Brazil. He uses photography, installation and video to traverse collective memory and history, making use of strategies that shuffle fiction and reality. De Andrade collects and catalogues architecture, images, texts, life stories and recomposes a personal narrative of the past. 

Materia Prima vol.2 では作家のこの映像の制作背景にまつわるインタビューを掲載。こちらでご購入いただけます。
Materia Prima vol.2 features the interview to the artist about the background and production process of this film. Check here.

Photo: Yurika Kono / Hamacho Liberal Arts でのJonathas de Andradeとのトークの一場面